Tomorrow is my birthday! I’m turning 28. It’s weird. I simultaneously have no idea how that happened, but I also wouldn’t trade it for another age if I could. My dad always tells the story of how he freaked out when he turned 30, more so than any other age. He was still trying to make it big as a musician in NYC, his band had a record deal, but it just wasn’t working out as he had hoped.

I get it on some level. I went through my own mini freak out a few years ago with the state of my life (hence the moves to SF and back), but all that despair, struggle, reflection, and hard work paid off this past year. I literally came full circle and moved back into my pre-San Francisco apartment building (my favorite apartment to date), I quit my job to work as a freelance SEO, Aaron and I got married (!!!), I started this blog, paid off all my student loans and our car, and we added a hyperactive puppy to the family. 27 was an awesome year.

Olive Sees a Squirrel

You know who else has a birthday this week? Honey! She turns 5 on Saturday.


Honey was a joint birthday gift between Aaron and I. We waited almost a year for her at the height of puggle mania, and she was so, so worth the wait. Seriously, this dog is one of the best decisions I have ever made. There’s so much personality in that little 23-pound body.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the last 5 years…

Honey 8 WeeksHoney 8 Weeks 2

I can’t even handle the cuteness. She was just 8 weeks and 4 pounds, and this was her first day with us at a friend’s beach house in Maine. Best. day. ever.

Honey in the PoolHoney Pool Butt

Honey loves the water, so I of course bought her a kiddie pool. These photos alone make it $15 well-spent. She had a blast jumping in and out of the water retrieving her toys.

My parents’ puggle, Pickles, on the other hand, did not have fun. Here I am trying to hoist her into the pool…

Pickles Hates the Pool

See Honey in the background? Hilarious.

Amanda & Honey Rocky Mountain National Park

We made a stop at Rocky Mountain National Park on our drive from Boston to San Francisco. It was a looooong week, driving across the country in a little Toyota, packed to the brim, and with a puggle in my lap, but one I’ll never forget.

Amanda & Honey Mojave Desert

A little pit stop in the Mojave Desert. Honey was clearly thrilled. Also, this photo does not do it justice. The views were incredible.

Amanda and Honey

I have a good feeling about 28 and 5…here’s to another awesome year!


