Last week, I found out Pickles & Honey was nominated for the Liebster Award by the very lovely Caren of Voodies. If you’re not already familiar with her blog, Caren has an amazing story. A couple of highlights: she left a lucrative corporate career to study yoga at an ashram in India and recently trained for and rocked a bikini competition! I know from personal experience how hard (yet totally rewarding) it can be to make those kinds of life changes and pursue our passions, so I felt an instant connection to Caren’s story.

Okay, on to the award! To accept the nomination, you’re supposed to:
- Write 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions given by the blogger who nominated you
- Create 11 new questions
- Nominate 11 bloggers and mention them in the post
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and tell the bloggers you’ve nominated
Sounds a lot like the One Lovely Blog Award, except that was seven random facts, questions, and nominations. So, how about I spare you a whole bunch of talking about myself and just limit this to four facts? See what I did there? 7 + 4 = 11. Those math classes are really paying off.
11 4 (more) random facts about me:
- I can’t go to bed with socks on my feet. It just feels so…restrictive. Same thing goes for pajama pants, although I’m having to get over that one because the heat only seems to turn on around 3am. At which time it blasts, turns my bedroom into a sauna, and I end up waking up to take off my pants and all of the blankets on our bed. Being able to control the thermostat is a luxury I do not have.
- In addition to geeking out over food and nutrition books, I’m currently borderline-obsessed with the natural beauty and clean home genres. Ever since my skin freaked out from that moisturizer the other month, I’m on a quest to detoxify everything from body stuff, to makeup, to cleaning products. I’m reading No More Dirty Looks and with each chapter, I throw most of what I’ve been using in the trash. It feels good! Sidenote: I didn’t realize the authors had a site until just now. That’s going to be a time suck.
- I’m making a concerted effort to avoid processed sugar, which means I’m hitting the stevia hard when I have a sugar craving. Please don’t tell me stevia is also bad for me. Between giving up gluten and basically all of the personal care products I’ve used for years, I’m not sure I can handle that right now. Or maybe tell me. Let’s just get this over with.
- I have this idea in my head that I would like to have a house on a bunch of land, with free-roaming farm animals (not for eating), and grow my own organic food. And then I remember that there are lots of bugs in the country and I hate bugs. Is there a way to live on a farm without the bugs? No?
Caren’s questions, answered…
- Alive or dead, famous or not, who’s your greatest role model that has inspired you the most? My parents – they are just really good people, in addition to being great parents. Also, I’ve been reading a lot of Kris Carr recently, and she’s pretty damn inspiring.
- What’s your favorite type of cuisine? Thai. Japanese is a close second.
- Tell me what you love the most and the least about the city you live in. Most: Boston’s high energy, intellectual vibe. It feels very productive – like people are always thinking. Least: It’s expensive! Not as expensive as SF or NYC, but where I live, the average home price is somewhere around $1.5 million. We’re going to be saving for that down payment for. ev. er…
- Why did you start blogging? To challenge myself and to be a part of the healthy living/vegan community. I am constantly learning and re-evaluating, which is a very good thing.
- What insecurity do you constantly have to work at overcoming? The need to be “perfect” or really good at everything. I’m trying to have more fun instead of putting so much pressure on myself.
- What do you think is worth spending good money on? Food. And workout clothes.
- Is that your “natural” hair color? Nope. I have a highlighting addiction. My natural color is dark brown, but I like to play around with auburn/caramel-y highlights.
- Favorite day of the week and why? Friday. It tends to be more quiet work-wise, and I like the anticipation of the weekend.
- How do you chillax and unwind? An intense spin class (it’s like therapy), snuggling with Aaron and the puppies, and taking a long shower.
- Pets? Do you have some and what are they? I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned it, but I have two puggles.
- Favorite blog to read? I can’t pick just one. Check out my nominations below for some of my favorites!
My 11 Nominee questions:
- Do you prefer the city or the suburbs?
- What book are you currently reading? Or if you’re not reading one at the moment, what’s next on your list?
- Cardio or strength training?
- What place would you most like to visit?
- Favorite kind of cookie? Don’t even tell me you don’t like cookies.
- If money didn’t matter, how would you spend your days?
- Do you prefer bigger social settings, or more intimate get-togethers?
- Coffee or tea, or both?
- What’s one of your goals for 2013?
- Do you have a favorite blog post that you’ve written?
- What’s the best part of a typical day for you?
My nominees are….
- A Sunshiny Day
- Eat Pray Tri
- Greens & Seeds
- In My Tummy
- Keepin’ It Kind
- Oatmeal with a Fork
- Sparklingly
- The Good Life
- The Talking Kitchen
- The Tolerant Vegan
- The Veggie Nook
Thanks for nominating me, Caren! Your blog is one I always look forward to reading!