SEO for Food Bloggers eBook: 50 Easy Things To Increase Your Traffic |
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NEW SEO for Food Bloggers eBook!

SEO for Food Bloggers eBook: 50 Easy Things To Increase Your Traffic |

It’s here! It’s here!

Okay, so maybe you didn’t even know it was coming. But! This is an exciting day for me (and hopefully for some of you too) because my newly updated SEO for Food Bloggers eBook is ready!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with it already, I wrote the original SEO for Food Bloggers eBook at the end of 2014 as a way to demystify SEO (and what can seem like a technical, daunting to-do) and break it down into simple, approachable steps.

Basically, I condensed my 10+ years of SEO knowledge for big-name brands into quick, easily digestible chapters. My goal was to share the same information and guidance I used to provide to my Fortune 500 SEO clients for thousands of dollars, but customized to include only the need-to-know information for blogging. No learning curve or wanting to pull your hair out over fussy HTML code—just straightforward action items for you to implement today.

SEO for Food Bloggers eBook: 50 Easy Things To Increase Your Traffic | picklesnhoney.comI 100% believe that SEO is a powerful tool you can use to drive a ton of relevant traffic to your blog. 

For me, organic traffic has been by far the highest percentage of my total website traffic. It makes up nearly a third of my visits, and that percentage was even higher for the first 1-2 years I was blogging, when I received less traffic from other referrals (Facebook, Pinterest, Buzzfeed, etc.). I’d even go so far as to say that it’s my favorite source of visits for one very important reason:

I have the most control over my organic search traffic.

I know that I can spend 10 minutes on SEO for a post and see a giant return on my time over the long haul. Doing SEO isn’t like Foodgawker where I submit a recipe and see a boost the next day and then that traffic quickly goes away—SEO produces traffic that I see for years, and it usually increases with time as my blog becomes stronger and stronger in the eyes of Google.

All of this is really just to say that if you’re trying to grow your website traffic and you’re NOT using SEO as a tool, you’re leaving a whole lot of qualified traffic on the table.

Since I first launched SEO for Food Bloggers, over 400 people have harnessed it to grow their organic search visits. When I wrote that initial eBook, I made it a point to focus on my tried and true SEO tactics and the things that have worked for me since the beginning of my SEO career, when I nominated myself to build a powerhouse SEO team at a then startup company called Wayfair (I still get stressed just thinking about that..).

SEO for Food Bloggers eBook: 50 Easy Things To Increase Your Traffic |

In the last year alone, I’ve used the simple tactics I share in SEO for Food Bloggers to more than double Pickles & Honey’s organic traffic. And I swear: it wasn’t stressful or time-consuming.

That’s why today I’m so excited to share with you the new version of SEO for Food Bloggers! It’s still packed with my tried and true SEO tactics, but I’ve made it even stronger with the latest industry insights, especially with regard to mobile SEO. Truth: having a mobile-friendly blog is an absolute must if you want to maximize your traffic.

SEO for Food Bloggers eBook: 50 Easy Things To Increase Your Traffic |

Updated Content, with a Stronger Emphasis on Mobile SEO.
You’ve got this.


SEO for Food Bloggers eBook: 50 Easy Things To Increase Your Traffic |

