One Year Blogiversary

A year ago today, I hit publish on my first post on Pickles & Honey: a simple recipe for vegan cornbread. Despite my fears that no one would read or try the recipe, that cornbread has become one of my most popular posts.

Vegan Cornbread

Over the last 365 days, I like to think my photography has improved, my writing is a bit more relatable, and I’ve come closer to finding a stronger voice for myself. It’s a constant evolution. I began blogging thinking Pickles & Honey would be a recipe site, showing that vegan food is not only healthy, but also accessible and awesome in its own right. I hope I’ve been able to accomplish that, and in the process, this site has also evolved to include more of my day-to-day life and thoughts, with a heavy dose of puppy thrown in the mix.

Amanda & Honey Rocky Mountain National Park

On the one hand, I can’t even remember what it’s like not to blog, not to be thinking about my next post or how I’m going to compose the photos. And on the other hand, this year has seriously flown by. I’m also coming up on my one-year wedding anniversary this weekend and my one-year as a self-employed freelancer at the end of the month, and sometimes I can’t believe how much has changed in just a few short years. I was in such a rut before my big move to San Francisco, and since then I’ve slowly but surely made choices to get to where I am today – happily living in Boston, working for myself, surrounded by family, with a sleeping dog in my lap.

Thank you so much for reading, for making my recipes, for sharing your stories in comments and emails, and for making Pickles & Honey one of of my most enjoyable and rewarding endeavors. Here’s to another great year!


