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Quick & Easy Tortilla Pizza


There are few things I love more than making a meal completely from scratch. I find it relaxing to chop and saute vegetables, bake bread, and just generally turn simple, wholesome ingredients into something soul-satisfying.


That is, unless my email is out of control, my apartment desperately needs to be vacuumed, and it’s 12pm and I still haven’t taken a shower. Such is life.

On those days, I look to turn leftovers and whatever I have in my fridge into something that’s healthy, filling, and fast. And the less dishes I can dirty in the process, the better. I don’t mind loading the dishwasher, but emptying it is one of my least favorite chores.


Tortilla pizzas used to make a frequent appearance for lunches and dinners, but I forgot about them over the last few months. They’re great because they only require a few ingredients and you can top them with whatever you like.

Tired of plain old tomato sauce? I highly recommend hummus or bean dip for a little extra protein and staying power. I used a serving of some leftover cannellini bean dip, some sliced grape tomatoes, scallions that were on their last leg, and a generous sprinkle of nutritional yeast. Pop it in the oven at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes, and lunch is served.


I enjoyed my pizza with some sliced apple and sunflower seed butter (TJ’s brand – amazing), plus a little apple cider mixed with water to cut down on the sweetness. I like to save my sugar for pie, after all.

