RSS Update: Moving from Feedburner to Feedblitz

Most of you have probably heard that Google Reader will be shutting down as of July. Initially, this made me really sad…until I switched to Feedly. Why on earth was I using Google Reader?? Feedly is SO much better, both in terms of function and aesthetics. Seriously, try it and you will also wonder why you didn’t make the switch sooner.

Bonus: it takes all of two seconds to migrate your Google Reader subscriptions.

Unfortunately, the upcoming demise of Google Reader means it’s likely the free RSS subscription service, Feedburner, will also be going away. Like many bloggers, I’ve been using Feedburner for my RSS feed. So, rather than frantically trying to switch to a different provider come July, I’m currently in the process of moving my RSS feed to Feedblitz.

What this means for you: if you subscribe to my RSS feed via Google Reader, Feedly, or any other reader, you will soon receive a message that says my feed has moved to the following address:

Pretty please update your subscription to this new feed.

What this means for me: I hold my breath when I update anything technical on my blog for fear of it crashing. Accidentally losing all of my subscribers? Panic attack-inducing. Thankfully, Feedblitz has really thorough instructions, so fingers crossed, all will go smoothly.

As far as email subscribers, I am planning on changing my email service as well, probably to Feedblitz or MailChimp. I’ll let you know once that’s worked out.

…and then we can all have a drink to celebrate.

Watermelon Mojito

Any questions? Leave a comment or feel free to email me.

Thanks for bearing with these changes!


