23PAWS & Olive Eats Watermelon

Just in case I don’t already gush about my dogs enough, Cinnamon over at Eat Pray Tri has given me yet another excuse to talk about Honey & Olive. She created a 23PAWS pet party on her blog, where she posts about her super adorable dogs (check out the videos! Guinness reminds me so much of Honey) and other bloggers can link up to their pet posts. If you haven’t already figured it out (it’s okay – we’re all a little groggy on Mondays), the link up takes place on the 23rd of each month, so if you don’t have time to participate this time, definitely think about joining next month!


Honey tends to get a lot of attention on this blog. In part, she simply sits still for longer than Olive, which makes it easier to photograph her. She would also sit on my lap all day if I let her, and when she’s not on my lap, she’s as close to me as she can possibly get. Laying down by my feet under my desk, sitting in a chair next to me – Aaron jokes that if Honey could comfortably fit in one of those baby wearing wraps, I would never put her down. This is a ridiculous possibility, and also a little preview of what I would be like as a mother to actual human children. Total helicopter mom.

Amanda & Honey Rocky Mountain National Park

Don’t worry though – Olive is far from neglected. She’s just more Aaron’s dog than my dog. Still, I was feeling a little guilty that Honey gets more of a spotlight on the blog and I thought the 23PAWS post would be a great opportunity to share the love.

Olive Puppy

Aaron and I left Honey with my parents this weekend and took Olive with us to spend some time at our friends’ beach house. Our friends know that Olive’s extremely energetic, but we were kind of looking forward to showing off the 7+ months of intense training we’ve been doing with her, bragging about how long she can hold “down” and how she comes when we call her. Do you see where this is going? I really, really wanted to have some cute stories to share about how it was her first time seeing the ocean and how she did things like tried to eat the sand and chased the waves. Nope.


Olive had to stay in her crate at the house, because within the first half hour of being there, she had jumped on every single person (and given me a baseball-sized bruise on my thigh with her head), repeatedly tried to knock over the table to eat our lunch, and nearly swallowed a random, rusty clothespin (twice). And to follow that up, Olive and our friends’ dog managed to escape the enclosed back yard and run, full sprint, into the middle of a busy, 40 mph road, with nearly ten of us screaming and unable to stop them. By some miracle, both of them were fine, but my blood pressure was through the roof for the rest of the day.

Needless to say, Olive lost her off-leash privileges. It was embarrassing, especially at the end of the day, when one of our friends offered to take her for a week to see if his well-balanced dogs could teach her how to behave. I told him he could take her for more than a week.

The only redeeming thing Olive did this weekend was crack us up with her watermelon-eating abilities. Apparently, Honey isn’t the only dog who eats watermelon like a little person.

She’s lucky she’s so cute, because man, she was such a turd this weekend.

Fellow dog owners – any words of wisdom? When Olive sets her mind on something (a squirrel, another dog, a person, food), it’s nearly impossible to get her attention. I feel like she needs to be a working dog, herding sheep or something, but that’s not going to happen in Boston.

