Puggle Love

There has been a definite lack of puggles on this blog in the last few months. I don’t know how this happened, because I can assure you, I am still a crazy dog lady. You’ll know this if you follow me on Instagram. My feed goes something like: Barley being cute, food I love, food-related book I’m reading, and Honey being grumpy thrown in every so often. She is the most loved, pampered, depressed-looking puggle. We started calling her Eeyore <–please tell me you got that reference without having to click.

Honey & Barley (he was so little!)

Barley, in stark comparison, continues to be SO HAPPY ALL THE TIME. I imagine he is shouting from pure joy every moment of every day.

Happy Barley

Unless you put a coat on him, and then he gets weird.

Here’s a video I took of Honey and Barley earlier this week, and this is pretty much what happens several times a day. I swear Honey likes him, as much as she wants you to think she is so above this nonsense and has the toughest life ever.


(The leg biting is the best)

I’m going to make an effort to write more puggle posts. What do you think? I feel like they’re a nice reminder that life doesn’t always have to be so serious.

And with that, happy weekend!



