Photography by Aaron Scott.
Further proof that Honey is meant to wear hats and headbands and clothing: she was so comfortable, she slept through about half of this photo session. I put her headband on and didn’t have to reapply it a single time, and she would have kept it on all day had it not been for Barley “smelling” (eating) the flowers. He was convinced the pom-poms on his were filled with treats and stuffing that needed pulling apart, and very confused as to why I seemed to want him to wear his toy/snack on his head instead of in his mouth. I am the worst.
Our celebration may have been a little premature though, seeing as how today is cloudy, windy, “feels like 15” with snow showers expected. No matter, the amount of laughing that ensued seeing the dogs in their Spring-y attire should be enough to keep my mindset warm and sunny for the remainder of the week. I hope these photos do the same for you!
Amanda, Honey & Barley