11 Things: Round 2

I was recently tagged by the lovely Michelle of The Economical Eater in her “11 Things” post. Since this is my second time being tagged, I thought I’d break the rules and skip right to answering Michelle’s questions.

1. Most embarrassing moment? I do silly things all the time (thinking out loud, being a frequent one), but one thing that stands out is when I was 12 or 13 and I was trying to stretch out a too-tight pair of my favorite jeans. I was talking to my parents and went to do a squat in them (don’t pretend like you haven’t done this!) and my jeans completely split along the seams in the butt! My mom laughed so hard she could barely breathe.
2. Favorite movie of all time? I don’t know that I really have a favorite. I tend to like TV shows more than movies. Modern Family, 30 Rock, Parenthood…those are all at the top of my list at the moment. I’ve missed the last two episodes of Parenthood, so no spoilers, please!
3. If you could have dinner with any famous person, living or dead, who would it be? This is a tough one. Maybe Ellen Degeneres? She’s funny, generous, an activist for animals, and just generally seems down-to-earth. It’s hard not to feel a little better after watching her show, so I imagine having dinner with her would be even more uplifting.
4. Your favorite vice? Reality TV. I know, I know. It’s killing my brain cells, but sometimes I just need a little Real Housewives or The Bachelor at the end of the day. Side note: Does anyone else find Ben to be a whiney baby?! I like him less and less with each episode.
5. Milk, dark or white chocolate? Dark! I love 85% or higher.
6. Pancakes or waffles? Both! Although, I’m actually not a big breakfast person. Dinner (and dessert) is more my thing.
7. Place you’d love to travel to? There are so many places I’d love to visit. Paris is pretty high up there, although somewhere tropical sounds awesome given the impending snow in Boston later today.
8. If you could be eating anything right now, you’d be eating crispy roasted brussels sprouts. I’d choose those over potato chips any day.
9. Favorite book and/or author? There are a few books that really stand out to me and have had a big impact on how I live my life. Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer and The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin are among the top two.
10. Pinterest or Instagram? As much as I enjoy them, I try to limit my use on both, to be honest. I set up a Pinterest account a couple of months ago, but I’ve yet to do anything with it, and I think that’s probably a good thing. I spend way too much time on my computer as it is!
11. Favorite part about being a blogger? All of it – the excitement that comes from developing a recipe, the creativity I get to use in photographing and writing my posts, and especially the supportive blogging community. Reading blogs was an escape for me when I was working a miserable 9-5, and I’m so, so happy I finally decided to take the leap and start my own this past year.
Okay, your turn! Answer one or more of these questions and tell me a little about yourself!

