Fresh Juice

Sunshine-y Carrot Orange Beet Juice

Fresh Juice

Today is one of those rainy, dreary days that make it necessary for me to give myself a pep talk in the morning about why I shouldn’t spend all day lounging on the couch watching bad reality tv. Because let’s be honest—that sounds kind of awesome on a Thursday, right? But part of being an adult is paying your rent, and the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills aren’t going to help me out, even though they totally could. $25,000 sunglasses? That’s just gross.

I needed some instant energy, and not in the form of coffee, which makes me jittery and requires that I load it up with tons of creamer and sugar to make it drinkable. I wanted to just eat chocolate for breakfast, but I figured juice was a more appropriate, adult-like choice.

Fruits and Vegetables for Juice

Today’s blend (all organic):

  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 orange
  • 1 beet

This was slightly sweet and gone in about 1 minute flat. I know a lot of people don’t love the taste of celery, but I think the beet does a pretty good job of masking most of it.

Fresh Juice

You do like beets, don’t you?

