My Day in Food

I always like reading about what other bloggers are eating in a typical day. I think it’s similar to my love for watching HGTV shows like House Hunters—a little peek into their lives, and I’m often left inspired and wanting to put my own spin on whatever it is they’re doing.

I go through phases with my food, but since cutting out gluten and processed sugar, I’ve started to find a style of eating that’s both satisfying and makes me feel good physically. As in, not itchy from what I presume was a constant gluten rash and not craving sugar after every meal. Here’s an example of what I’ve been enjoying…

Lemon Water

Lemon water. First thing in the morning, I drink anywhere from 16-32 oz. of filtered water with the juice of half a lemon. I used to struggle with drinking enough water during the day, but this is a new habit for me, and it sets the tone for my day, as silly as that may sound. The more water I drink, the more I want to drink it.

Green tea.

Organic green tea, usually with some mint tea thrown in the mix. I’m working towards drinking it plain, but for now, I love it with a little unsweetened almond milk and a few drops of stevia. I share this pot with Aaron in the morning and sip two big mugs while I check email and get started on whatever freelance work I have that day.

Green smoothie.

A massive green smoothie. The wine bottle is only for size comparison – promise! Some days I juice, but I find smoothies to be much more satisfying most of the time (probably because of the fiber). I throw in whatever we have in our produce drawers, but this one was particularly good: cucumber, carrot, 1/4 avocado (I love the texture this creates), a few big kale leaves, grapefruit, and a small apple. I add a couple of cups of water to thin it out and always enjoy it with a straw. It’s just more fun that way! I tend not to get hungry until 11am most mornings, and then this holds me over for at least a couple of hours after that.

Wild rice & veggies.

Leftovers! If lunch isn’t a big salad, I heat up whatever leftovers we have in the fridge. I usually have conference calls scheduled in the afternoons and tend not to have much time to prep anything extravagant. Salads are also a little less appealing when it’s -14 outside. This lunch was awesome, in part because Aaron made it and I didn’t have to cook! He used a recipe from Clean Start with wild rice, lemon, fennel, dried plums, and chickpeas. I am now obsessed with wild rice and also dried plums.

Homemade kombucha.

Homemade kombucha. I haven’t completely squashed my sugar cravings, and kombucha is now my go-to treat mid-afternoon. I like to play around with the flavors, but blueberry is always on rotation.

Lentils, mushrooms & onions.

Dinner is usually the meal I’ll spend the most time making, because it’s a chance for Aaron and I to catch up on our days. This was another new favorite from the Clean Start cookbook: French lentils, mushrooms, red onion, lemon, thyme, and parsley, served over roasted rutabaga and celery root. Extremely filling and I can also add celery root to my list of new favorite foods.

Dandy Blend

And dessert? I’ve been loving Dandy Blend mixed with a spoonful of raw cacao powder, almond milk, and vanilla stevia. I bet this will also be great served over ice in the summer.

What foods have you been enjoying? Any advice on satisfying a sweet tooth sans sugar? I find myself reaching for the almond butter more than usual…

