Olive’s First Snow

It’s time for me to step away from the chocolate. Although, I do have another chocolate recipe in the works for later this week. Did you actually think I could function without it for more than a couple of days? Chocolate is my coffee.


We’ve been extremely fortunate with regard to having a mild winter in Boston this year. I think we earned it after the absolutely insane amounts of snow that got dumped on us last year, day after day after day. Go figure, the one year I actually have garage parking and don’t have to commute into work, we get almost no snow. But hey – I’ll happily take it.

We did, however, get one round of light, fluffy snow about a month ago, and it may have been the first time in years that I didn’t hate it. Why the sudden change of heart? Because I wanted to see Olive’s reaction.

Based on how excited Olive gets each and every time she discovers her tail (every.single.day.), I figured it would be highly entertaining. Here are a few action shots Aaron was able to capture when we took her to a nearby park…


I love that last shot, with the regal stance and the snow all over her face. We lovingly call her “Doofus” because she’s such a goofball. Sweet, but not all there. I think her thought process is essentially:

food food food food food squirrel! food food food pee food food tail! food food sleep.

Rinse and repeat.

