One Lovely Blog Award

It’s Thursday! Which means it’s almost Friday, which means it’s basically the weekend! Not gonna lie – it was a little rough getting back into the swing of things after a 2-day workweek last week. The company I freelance for had the 4th off, but worked Thursday and Friday, which meant I came back to an overflowing inbox and a build up of requests on Monday morning. It’s been a busy few days, but one of the perks of working as a consultant is that I get paid by the hour. More work = more money. One of the downfalls? Self-employment taxes. Yuck.

I was recently given the One Lovely Blog Award by the very sweet Lauren over at Oatmeal With A ForkLauren has an amazing story and a great mix of personal anecdotes, recipes, and workouts in her posts. I highly recommend checking out her blog!

One Lovely Blog Award

The award is passed between bloggers and the recipients are asked to share seven things about themselves, as well as nominate seven other bloggers to receive the award. I love reading these types of posts on other people’s blogs, so here goes…

1.  I’m kind of a control freak. Can you tell from my blog? Both of my parents are super laid back, and I seem to have gone the opposite direction. My dad recently told me, after my parents had forgotten to make a dinner reservation or something similar, that this was out of necessity – if I hadn’t taken the initiative, things may not have happened. It’s served me well as far as my career goes, but it can be a little exhausting. It’s nice to have someone else take over every once in a while…assuming I can give up control.

2.  Up until a year and a half ago, I was scared to take group fitness classes at the gym. Part of it was that I went to a gym where there were zero women in the weight rooms, but mostly it was because I hate not knowing what I’m doing and looking like a fool. I switched to an all-women’s gym (best decision ever!), sucked it up, and committed to trying a handful of classes. Now I exclusively do group exercise classes because I love them so much. Go figure.

3.  I geek out over food-related/nutrition books. Reading them is my idea of a good time and I’ll plow through an entire book in a weekend if given the chance. Right now, I’m reading Thrive by Brendan Brazier. His philosophy is similar to Kris Carr’s style of eating, but with a focus on achieving optimal athletic performance. I’m loving it.

4.  I can’t go to bed at night without washing my face. I have this (probably irrational) fear that my skin is going to freak out and I’m going to wake up with a face full of acne. Remember how I said I was a control freak?

5.  I love the way my dog, Honey, smells. It’s kind of sweet and unlike any other dog. Maybe it’s just because I’ve had her since she was 8 weeks old, but it’s one of the most comforting things. I’m constantly smelling her head when she sits in my lap. Olive…not so much. She smells like a dog.

Honey 8 Weeks

6.  I don’t like complainers. You know the people who are constantly going on and on about how much everything sucks? There’s a time and a place for venting (trust me, I do my fair share), but if you’ve already said your piece, either do something about it, or shut up. You have to put in the work to get where you want to go.

7.  Once a year I get an intense craving for black licorice. I don’t like it for the other 364 days, but on that one day, I have to drop everything I’m doing and make a pit stop to pick up a bag. I then proceed to stuff my face for the next two minutes before I decide I hate it and throw it out. What’s up with this? Do I have a nutrient deficiency? I don’t know.

Now for my seven nominations! These are some of my favorites that I look forward to reading:

1.  The Vegan Chickpea
2.  Andrea Drugay
3.  Cadry’s Kitchen
4.  Cupcakes and Kale
5.  Oatmeal After Spinning
6.  Oh, Ladycakes
7.  Soulshine & Sassafras

What blog(s) would you nominate?


