
Yep, that pretty much sums up my holiday. And most of that food was consumed in the form of cookies. Shocking, I know.


I’m headed to the gym later today for a couple of bosu and bodyattack classes (that will likely kick my butt), and I’m seriously concerned I’m going to sweat out sugar and Earth Balance. I suppose worse things could happen.


Yesterday, my immediate family (Aaron, mom, dad, brother, and grandmother) got together for a potluck dinner. Everyone except for my grandmother sticks to a mostly vegan diet, so it’s really nice when we can all come together and prepare food that all of us can actually eat.


Aaron and I hosted at our place, so naturally I took the opportunity to go all out. Honey supervised.


I’m constantly bookmarking recipes from other people’s blogs, and decided to go with a few from Daily Garnish and Oh She Glows, including Emily’s carmelized onion mashed potatoes and gravy, and Angela’s pull-apart dinner rolls and cranberry sauce (the maple syrup and splash of balsamic in the cranberry sauce is awesome!). I was too busy stuffing my face socializing to take photos of everything, but I did manage to take a few of dessert: Emily’s ginger spice cookies.


All of the recipes turned out fabulously, but I have a special place in my heart for dessert. I unfortunately didn’t have any crystalized ginger, as the recipe recommended, but these cookies turned out wonderfully nonetheless. They have the perfect texture – slightly crunchy on the outside from the granulated sugar, a little fluffy, but chewy, and just the right amount of spice. Two big thumbs up.


Just try not to eat ten of them over the course of the day like I did. You know you’ve gone too far when stretchy pants feel too restrictive and you need to put on an empire waist dress. Not that I would know anything about that…

How was your holiday? Did you cook/bake anything that was particularly awesome? Feel free to link to your post or the recipe!

