Thursday Thoughts

– I will sometimes check the weather in San Francisco, partly out of habit, but also out of spitefulness. It was unseasonably cold when I lived there (think: 40s in August) and because I essentially lived in a cloud, right on the cusp of where it was foggy all.the.time., we’d be lucky if the temps got as high as 10 degrees below whatever the weather people forecasted. would tell me it would be a high of 70, and at 2pm it would still be 55. It’s been above 55 around Boston these last couple of days. #winning

San Francisco Fog
Less charming when your apartment is engulfed in that fog.

– I don’t know if it’s a product of working from home, having two dogs as co-workers, or just craziness on my end, but I find that I’m thinking out loud more and more. It’s like the summer I spent working as a nanny for a one-year-old. Everything (tying your shoes, making lunch, going on a walk) becomes this elaborate narration, detailing every step of the process in an overly animated way. I like to think the dogs appreciate my story-telling, but the people I pass on the street sometimes look perplexed. It could also just be that I’m still wearing plaid pajama pants and slippers at 11am on a Tuesday.

Superhero Doofus. She likes to pretend her coat is a cape.

– Related to the above point, Aaron also told me I was a “loud complainer” the other day. I was talking to myself (per usual) about something not working (my laptop? Olive? I don’t remember) and he said “it’s not that you complain more than the average person, I think it’s that you say things out loud that I would keep in my head.” Awesome.

– I discovered the Bad Lip Reading site yesterday and then proceeded to waste a good hour of my life watching stupid, totally hilarious videos. The Mitt Romney soundbite is my favorite so far. I won’t tell you how many times I’ve watched it. It’s like when I download a song on iTunes, then put it on repeat for three days straight, and subsequently can’t stand to listen to it for the next year.

What are your Thursday thoughts?

