Thursday Thoughts

– Yesterday was one of those days that just kind of starts out on the wrong foot and continues to go downhill from there. I had planned to meet a friend for breakfast in the city, so I skipped my morning walk with the dogs, made myself presentable, and even threw on a dress instead of gym clothes. And then the skies opened up and it absolutely poured for the next hour. My friend got stuck in traffic on the highway, and there was no way I was going to attempt to get on the train in torrential downpour during morning rush hour. If you’ve ever lived in Boston, you know what I’m talking about. The only thing worse than the T during rush hour in the rain is when you add drunken Red Sox fans to the mix. It’s enough to send even the sanest people off the deep end.

Olive is a liar.

– On a funnier note, Olive may be slightly smarter than we give her credit for. Nearly every morning, Aaron and I take the dogs on a long walk and then come home and Aaron puts Olive on the treadmill. My parents let us borrow theirs when we discovered that Olive can basically run a 7-minute/mile half-marathon and still be bouncing off the walls. It’s obviously not feasible for us to give her that much exercise every day, so instead we take the edge off by having her walk for an hour on the treadmill, in addition to the 5 or so miles we walk with her throughout the day. She knows she gets lots of treats and praise when she’s on it, but this past week she started lying on the floor after our morning walks and refusing to get up, and Aaron would tell me Olive seemed really tired and didn’t need the extra exercise. Well, Olive’s “exhaustion” consistently lasted just until Aaron left for work, when she would magically find her strength and run, full-sprint, up and down our apartment, knocking into walls and re-arranging furniture. I’d be mad, but for a dog who sometimes can’t figure out “sit”, this is really quite impressive.

Not tired.

– We’re finally upgrading our bedroom to include some non-Ikea furniture/things I still have from childhood. I’ve been sleeping on a mattress wrapped in a comforter for several months now, in an attempt to keep the innersprings from poking me while we worked up to investing in something new. I hit my breaking point a few weeks ago in one of my I-hate-all-of-our-furniture-let’s-start-over fits. We’re being all adult and ordering a legit, solid and reclaimed wood bedframe from Etsy, and an organic latex mattress that I spent way too many hours researching. Side note: this research has also prompted me to nix as many conventional cleaning and personal products as possible in favor of apparent cure-alls like white vinegar and coconut oil. I hope I’m not setting the bar too high, but for what it costs to buy a new bed that has minimal environmental or health repercussions, I better get the best sleep of my life.


– I have a huge urge to drop everything and spend my afternoon baking today. It’s sort of a form of meditation for me, but better because I get to eat dessert at the end. Hopefully this will result in a recipe worth sharing. If not, you will likely hear me complain about it this time next week.

